Tuesday, November 11, 2008

MMT08 Feedback

I was quite critical of the planned MMT08 conference planned for Dubai during Novemebre (Read here). In the end I did attend the conference and must congratulate the organisers. Clarion did a great job of ensuring that many of the key players in the industry got together in Dubai. I specifically enjoyed the networking opportunities - meeting many of my old friends again, but also getting the opportunity to meet key players that I have never had the chance to meet. We need good conference organisers to push the industry forward. If the guys from Clarion can keep it up, they will serve the industry well.

1 comment:

kierono said...

Thanks for your kind words, glad we won you over in the end - one cannot run a mobile money event without the Hannes van Rensburg, 'Godfather of Mobile Money'!

We've been thinking along similar lines to your Mobile Money Academy. I've shortlisted a pool of expert course leaders, and a compiled modules based on overcoming practical project management challenges - we just need to come up with a formula for marketing it. I'll let you know what we're thinking and hope we can rope you in to help!


Kieron Osmotherly, Conference Director MMT08
& Host, MMT Group